Veggie Coop Notes

PLEASE NOTE: Weekly “Farms Notes” will appear under our new Farm Notes section above. Weekly packing slips for Veggie Coop bags (both sizes) will appear under the “Larger Bag” and “Smaller Bag” headings.

Veggie Coop Coordinator: Mike Rabinowitz. Drop-Off is at 6 p.m. / Science Building Parking Lot. If you are not able to pick-up on time, please phone Mike by 5 p.m. on the House Phone: 895-2884 or the Farm Cell/689-7693 no later then 6 p.m. We will keep your bag at the farm and you can pick it up the next day!

Bags not picked up by 6:30 will go back to chill room on the Farm in Portugal Cove and can be picked up there at your convenience. Monday Bags are kept through Wednesday evening and Wednesday Bags through Friday evening. Thank you for your cooperation. Bags not picked up within these time lines will be given to our farm workers or a local community centre.

Over the years, we have developed several ways of letting people know what they can expect to have in the “bag” and what is happening on the farm. The first ten years, this was produced on paper and tucked into the bag when it was delivered. Year 11 and 12, we managed to get it onto the website, the day of bag pick up. However, the Website collapsed in the fall of 2010 and has not yet been resuscitated, although there is some effort on this front is the last few months. Meanwhile, a friend set up a blog to help get this information out to our Veggie Coop members. Today is our first day. Even though I was the typing champion in the State of Tennessee, I am not technically skilled/ hate learning new things and in general sullen about having to do something I didn’t learn in high school. So here I am, Melba, Co-Owner and writer of your weekly farm notes, whether we like it or not.

What you can expect!
A brief list of veggies, perhaps ideas about how to use them and recipes. Also Stories, Gossip and Happenings! What’s Happening off the Farm, in terms of current events? Organics and food security. Good News and Bad!

How you can help!
Send in your recipes or other tid-bits to the farm e-mail address or post them on the blog! Many of the recipes we circulated over the years are contributions from Veggie Coop members. Maybe some day we will get around to putting together a collection and you will see your name in print! Also, stories and current events! Perhaps your son or daughter won an award. Or you want to sell your kayak! This is the place to start!

Early season greens such as lettuce, Chinese Cabbage and maybe onions, just enough to tease your appetite for the 14 week season. Every week, the veggies will increase, hopefully, soon there will be spinach and kale, then, summer squash, beans and eventually turnips, garlic and carrots and finally winter squash.

For the first several years, we had large canvas bags made locally, with the farm logo. Each member purchased two bags at a cost of $20.00 each, at the beginning of the season. (This was before the large re-usuable bags now purchased for $1.00 at box stores). Members brought the used bag and exchanged it for a new bag full of veggies. Then it came back to the farm from pick-up, each bag was washed, sterilized and dried between weeks, because the bags go to a different family household each week. Washing bags sometimes took a whole day of staff time, especially if the weather was inclement; some weeks, bags were not dry enough to use and substitutes were made anyway.

Washing Bags No Longer Feasible!
With labour costs rising and the increased demands on staff time, washing bags is simply not practical. We are struggling with how best to manage the vegetables in terms of packing them at the farm and passing them out to our members, off the farm. One employee suggested we might use nylon bags which can be washed in the washing machine; another suggested that we take the veggie into drop-off in boxes and ask members to bring their own bags, then transfer the veggies into their bags.

Solution For Now – Biogradable Shopping Bags! We are open to suggestions!

After today, weekly Farms Notes will appear under our new “Farm Notes” heading at the top of this page.

Remember, We Welcome Your Ideas, Suggestions and Feed-back on Any Topic!

— Melba

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