Packing Slip: Week 08, Larger Bag, August 14, 2013

Packing Slip, Week 8, Larger Bag, August 14, 2013


Basil 50g $5.00


Fennel Bulb (2 medium) $5.00


Garlic Scapes (bunch of 10 to12) $2.50

                       Last of the scapes, garlic next week


Gooseberries quart $8.00


Parsley (either Italian or curly) $3.00


Pepper (sweet) $2.00


Potpourri-1 (either broccoli or cauliflower) $4.00


Potpourri-2 (either 250g Latah tomatoes,

                     English cucumber, or summer squash) $2.00


Salad Mix – 250g $9.00


Snow peas (100g) $2.25


String Beans (250g) $3.50


Swiss Chard (325g) $5.00


                                               Total $51.25


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