Catgrass saves lives!

CatgrassOne of the more left-field things we grow on the farm is catgrass. We’ve been doing it for a while now, and sell the plants in stores ready for chewing on. Recently we’ve been sending a few pots here and there to the St. John’s SPCA for the shelter cats to enjoy. We’d heard the shelter cats were enjoying their new greenery, but the staff at the shelter got in touch with us recently to let us know our catgrass was truly amazing – tot only does it make a pretty good cat snack, it also saves cat lives.

Here’s how it went down. A kitten runs away, and of course, everything’s done to find it. They leave out bait in a little shelter for catching cats, but no dice; “a week of traps” with bait of everything from “sardines to KFC” couldn’t entice her back, search parties came home with their arms free of a kitten. But you guessed it. They left a pot of catgrass as bait, and though she’d turned her nose up at KFC, she obviously just preferred fresh, organic food instead. Was found the next morning nibbling on some grass! A happy ending, all thanks to catgrass.

We’re hoping to get our catgrass for sale in a lot more places, so watch this space! For now we are sending them to Food for Thought, on Gower St in downtown St. John’s. Since this is the internet, here are the obligatory “cats-enjoying-the-catgrass photos”. Thanks to the St. John’s SPCA for these!

Flanders Jim Ginger Spice

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